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Eric's Sound 2004

Verfasst: So 24. Dez 2017, 23:25
von mdec
Hallo Liebe Clapton Freunde,

wer kann mir helfen welches gear Eric benutzt hat in diesem Jahr ? Dieser Sound ist einfach fantastisch, und hebt sich sehr ab von den Letzten Jahren.

Oder ist der Sound auf den Cornell 80 zurückzuführen ?

Beste Grüße

Re: Eric's Sound 2004

Verfasst: Di 26. Dez 2017, 16:52
von redstrat
For his 2004 World Tour,
Eric Clapton used Cornell Amplifiers with Tone Tubby Speakers
with hemp cones inside the cabinets for his electric guitars.
Built by Dennis Cornell, the Eric Clapton Custom 80 (Single Channel)
looks very much like a Fender Twin, but sounds bluer with a lot more middle.
Designed to his exact specifications, the Custom 80 is made from birch ply
and covered in “fender tweed” that is treated to look old.
He first used the Cornell / Eric Clapton Custom 80
at the Party At The Palace concert in June 2002.
The manufacturer sold these amps in both single channel and twin-channel models.

In addition to this amp, Eric Clapton used a Fender Woody for the Robert Johnson
set in the middle of each concert during the 2004 Tour.

Clapton's effects pedals for the 2004 tour were limited to a tri-stereo chorus (Boss Chorus CE-3),
a Leslie pedal, a Jim Dunlop 535 Crybabywah-wah pedal (6 way selectable) and a box to switch
from the amp to the Leslie or to select both.

Eric did and does not use an overdrive pedal.
He gets all of the overdrive from the 25dB boost in his guitar, a Fender Eric Clapton
Signature Stratocaster.
Eric used a Samson Synthetics wireless system on stage.

His Martin 000-28EC goes through an Avalon DI box.

Since 2004, Eric Clapton has been using a Carlos Juan CP-1 Pickup in the Bellezza Nera model
Martin guitar. These pickups are handbuilt in Germany by Carlos at his American Guitar Center.
The Eric Clapton Signature Stratocasters are equipped with Fender Vintage Noiseless Pickups.

Quelle : ... historical
Hoffe es hilft dir weiter !


Re: Eric's Sound 2004

Verfasst: Mo 1. Jan 2018, 12:05
von clapgold
Ein frohes Neues allen Bild, bin durch redstrats klasse Link (thanx...!) auf die 'Christmascaster' aufmerksam geworden, die Geschichte kannt ich auch noch nicht, passt ja zeitlich noch etwas... 8-)
...scheint sogar in seiner Bio Erwähnung gefunden zu haben, muß ich mir doch mal durchlesen, das Teil... :lol:

Bild ... ratocaster ... tmascaster

Re: Eric's Sound 2004

Verfasst: Fr 5. Jan 2018, 09:52
von redstrat
Oder ist der Sound auf den Cornell 80 zurückzuführen ?

.........apropos CORNELL Custom 80 - Eric Clapton !

Jörg , also der Captain , bietet momentan einen zum Verkauf an ! ... 63-74-5589

Bei Interesse und nötigem Kleingeld einfach Jörg kontaktieren !
