EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Aktuelles und Vergangenes aus seinem Leben und seiner Musik
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Registriert: Mi 11. Jan 2012, 14:34

Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von somebody2003 »

Das wurde heute auf gepostet:

Published // 22.DEC.21
Given the widespread and often misleading press reports about a recent bootleg case involving a woman in Germany, the following provides clarification to set the record straight.

Germany is one of several countries where sales of unauthorized and usually poor-quality illegal bootleg CDs are rife, which harms both the industry and purchasers of inferior product. Over a period of more than 10 years the German lawyers appointed by Eric Clapton, and a significant number of other well-known artists and record companies, have successfully pursued thousands of bootleg cases under routine copyright procedures.

It is not the intention to target individuals selling isolated CDs from their own collection, but rather the active bootleggers manufacturing unauthorised copies for sale. In the case of an individual selling unauthorised items from a personal collection, if following receipt of a “cease and desist” letter the offending items are withdrawn, any costs would be minimal, or might be waived.

Eric Clapton’s lawyers and management team (rather than Eric personally) identifies if an item offered for sale is illegal, and a declaration confirming that is signed, but thereafter Eric Clapton is not involved in any individual cases, and 95% of the cases are resolved before going to Court.

This case could have been disposed of quickly at minimal cost, but unfortunately in response to the German lawyers’ first standard letter, the individual’s reply included the line (translation): “feel free to file a lawsuit if you insist on the demands”. This triggered the next step in the standard legal procedures, and the Court then made the initial injunction order.

If the individual had complied with the initial letter the costs would have been minimal. Had she explained at the outset the full facts in a simple phone call or letter to the lawyers, any claim might, have been waived, and costs avoided.

However, the individual appointed a lawyer who appealed the injunction decision. The Judge encouraged the individual to withdraw the appeal to save costs, but she proceeded. The appeal failed and she was ordered to pay the costs of the Court and all of the parties.

However, when the full facts of this particular case came to light and it was clear the individual is not the type of person Eric Clapton, or his record company, wish to target, Eric Clapton decided not to take any further action and does not intend to collect the costs awarded to him by the Court. Also, he hopes the individual will not herself incur any further costs.

Eric Clapton Management
22nd December 2021
Beiträge: 463
Registriert: Mo 12. Nov 2012, 09:53

Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von gooseman »

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Registriert: Sa 7. Jan 2012, 16:31
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Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von Stevie »


dann war der öffentliche Druck über Presse und social media doch erfolgreich und hat der Frau geholfen.

Letztendlich hat auch Eric durch die Lösung wieder ein paar Sympathien hinzugewonnen.

Ich hatte leichte (allerdings konstruktive) Kritik zu diesem Fall in einem Kommentar zur Ankündigung der neuen Single "Heart of a child" unter dem offiziellen Facebook Account Eric Clapton formuliert - und bin seit dem dort gesperrt, mein Kommentar ist natürlich auch eleminiert.
Ein zumindest fragwürdiger Umgang mit Fans.
Dort ist wohl nur Friede Freude Eierkuchen erwünscht. Kann ich aber mit leben.

Liebe Grüße
Beiträge: 127
Registriert: Sa 7. Jan 2012, 10:37

Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von bluesbreaker »

Hallo, hier ein EC - Management Statement von der Facebook Seite am 22.12.21 + AB DEM VORLETZTEN ABSATZ WIRD ES INTERESSANT : Eric Clapton’s Management Issues Statement About Bootleg Lawsuit.
"Given the widespread and often misleading press reports about a recent bootleg case involving a woman in Germany, the following provides clarification to set the record straight.
Germany is one of several countries where sales of unauthorized and usually poor-quality illegal bootleg CDs are rife, which harms both the industry and purchasers of inferior product. Over a period of more than 10 years the German lawyers appointed by Eric Clapton, and a significant number of other well-known artists and record companies, have successfully pursued thousands of bootleg cases under routine copyright procedures.
It is not the intention to target individuals selling isolated CDs from their own collection, but rather the active bootleggers manufacturing unauthorized copies for sale. In the case of an individual selling unauthorized items from a personal collection, if following receipt of a “cease and desist” letter the offending items are withdrawn, any costs would be minimal, or might be waived.
Eric Clapton’s lawyers and management team (rather than Eric personally) identifies if an item offered for sale is illegal, and a declaration confirming that is signed, but thereafter Eric Clapton is not involved in any individual cases, and 95% of the cases are resolved before going to Court.
This case could have been disposed of quickly at minimal cost, but unfortunately in response to the German lawyers’ first standard letter, the individual’s reply included the line (translation): "feel free to file a lawsuit if you insist on the demands." This triggered the next step in the standard legal procedures, and the Court then made the initial injunction order.
If the individual had complied with the initial letter the costs would have been minimal. Had she explained at the outset the full facts in a simple phone call or letter to the lawyers, any claim might, have been waived, and costs avoided.
However, the individual appointed a lawyer who appealed the injunction decision. The Judge encouraged the individual to withdraw the appeal to save costs, but she proceeded. The appeal failed and she was ordered to pay the costs of the Court and all of the parties.
However, when the full facts of this particular case came to light and it was clear the individual is not the type of person Eric Clapton, or his record company, wish to target, Eric Clapton decided not to take any further action and does not intend to collect the costs awarded to him by the Court. Also, he hopes the individual will not herself incur any further costs.
Eric Clapton Management
22nd December 2021"
. Grüße BB
Beiträge: 228
Registriert: Fr 25. Mai 2012, 09:01
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Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von crash1 »

Beiträge: 575
Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2012, 10:05

Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von Jester »


Wobei es schon bezeichnend ist, wenn immer wieder von der Frau als "Individuum" zu sprechen.
Beiträge: 57
Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2012, 08:27
Wohnort: Saarland

Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von juergen2 »

Jester hat geschrieben: Do 23. Dez 2021, 23:03 Löblich..

Wobei es schon bezeichnend ist, wenn immer wieder von der Frau als "Individuum" zu sprechen.
Guten Morgen,

das ist im englischen Sprachgebrauch normal und im Gegensatz zum Deutschen (wo es einen leicht abwertenden Touch haben kann) vollkommen neutral.

Viele Grüsse

"Der Himmel wird erst schön durch ein paar Wolken" (Tabaluga)
Beiträge: 127
Registriert: Sa 7. Jan 2012, 10:37

Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von bluesbreaker »

Das stimmt.
Beiträge: 507
Registriert: Do 29. Mai 2014, 17:54

Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von myfatherseye »

Thomas, danke für dein Engagement! ... ar-AAShzJi
Beiträge: 449
Registriert: Do 5. Jan 2012, 16:43

Re: EC verklagt Frau aus NRW wg Bootleg

Beitrag von Sally »

Super Thomas!!!

Liebe Grüße